Thursday, October 15, 2009

what was that ?

so, I was in Mumbai shopping in some shopping fest...As usual shopkeeper were pricing way too high...if you bargain then you might get a good rate otherwise it's a rip off...I was walking around checking out stalls...I passed by a weaved clothing and accessories stall...I liked a handbag and a child poncho shirt...I started bargaining...Here I must mention that I was fasting...not on purpose that it...So, I finally agreed to pay RS 280 for both the items...then we bargained some more....I was little tired and hungry.....When shopkeeper said "O.K. just pay Rs 180" then I was for some reason confused..."for both of them " I said..."yes" he instead of buying it I said "but you said Rs 280 for both of them. So what's it gonna be ? Rs280 right? " and guess what he said ? He said yes it's Rs 280" and I bought it for Rs 280. I kept thinking why am I paying Rs. 280? Should I ask for refund ? What was it? What the hell just happened?

So gist of the story is don't go shopping without having any food first....silly, right ?

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